Total War Warhammer Too Easy on Highest Difficulty

skaven are kinda hard and nuanced, im guessing your not building their armies correctly. All of their units are cowards but skavenslaves will run if the enemy does anything mildly threatening and clanrats arent any better unless they have numbers or a fight advantage. I dont ever remember playing pestilens but they are good magic users, you should be focusing on using those and just using clanrats to hold the enemy in big blobs for your spells. Try to get 20 units in your army ASAP as they are cheap and you have a good economy.

If your new I would recommend playing high elves instead, you start surrounded by your own race so you dont have any wars that you dont start and you can buy over and convert allies instead of fighting. They also use an easy shield wall/archer spam strategy that its pretty hard to get wrong.

Skaven aren't really a beginning faction they need their weapons teams and magic to win. Don't know what you're using but if you''re just going in with skavenslaves and clanrats you will lose. If you're not using them right you will lose easily.

Also pestilens isn't easy. Lustria is packed with legendary lords that all hate each other. Doesn't matter what difficulty he's not easy. Especially if you're relying on melee troops as mentioned. Lizardmen eat skaven infantry for breakfast.

ok thank for the tips, i think is better i start playing high elves on easy difficulty but on mortal empire i dont think im ready for race for the vortex


2020 年 7 月 3 日 下午 5:54

Having the worst melee infantry in the game is part of the skaven gameplay. Your infantry isnt meant to damage/tank your enemy troops, its meant to hold them in placed while your ranged units and artillery do the damage.
Campaign difficulty is just how many cheats the AI gets on the campaign map. Higher difficulty means they can easily support multiple armies from early on even if their economy technically wouldnt allow it.
Battle difficulty is more about how the AI acts and how powerful its units are.

Also pestilens has a difficult time already because of their starting position. Going up against gor rok as skaven as a newb wont turn out well most likely.

What I noticed so quickly is that auto resolve has less loss than when it is me who plays the battle, I have a lot of trouble managing several things at the same time

This game heavily values the amount of knowledge that you have of the game.
And the more complex the faction, the truer it is. Skaven is maybe the most complex faction of the whole 15 factions.

最後修改者:zefyris; 2020 年 7 月 3 日 下午 5:56

i think restart campagne but with tyrion or dwarve

i like skaven mechanic underground city under enemy settlement i can retry when i have more expérience in the game

引用自 thierry6416

ok thank for the tips, i think is better i start playing high elves on easy difficulty but on mortal empire i dont think im ready for race for the vortex

Just be careful about that just because it's high elves doesn't mean they're easy. Eltharion, Tectlis and Imrik are the difficulty ones. They either start really far from any allies or start in a dual front war. One you can easily lose.

引用自 Ugandad Commando

Just be careful about that just because it's high elves doesn't mean they're easy. Eltharion, Tectlis and Imrik are the difficulty ones. They either start really far from any allies or start in a dual front war. One you can easily lose.

For imrik i know i see on video one player played and loose vs clan mors


2021 年 1 月 15 日 下午 4:41

Yeah, i got the game a day or two ago and UGH! this game makes me cycle back n forth between loving it and hating it.

Upkeep gets stupid for me at about when i have 4 or 5 settlements. Suddenly i have 10000 Skaven coming busting down my door but can't train enough troops to hold them back without going into the red.

It ducks cause i really want to like this game, but that upkeep crap is killing the game for me.

最後修改者:midyin; 2021 年 1 月 15 日 下午 4:42

You should inform yourself on your units, structures, heroes and technologies whenever you start a campaign so that you know what your doing.
I know its a lot to read but you can start from what seems to pick your intrest and in time get to know all you need to know.
You could try easier factions if you dont mind like Dwarves, Lizardman, Orcs and Norsca, which revolve around strong melee units and less tactics.
But if your favourite faction is the Skaven then you can try one of them with an easy starting position, clan pestilens is one of the hardest positions.

You also need to practice a bit the game mechanics, but once you can get some battles done well you can do that.

最後修改者:tomm.sorio; 2021 年 1 月 15 日 下午 4:54


2021 年 1 月 15 日 下午 5:10

引用自 tomm.sorio

You should inform yourself on your units, structures, heroes and technologies whenever you start a campaign so that you know what your doing.
I know its a lot to read but you can start from what seems to pick your intrest and in time get to know all you need to know.
You could try easier factions if you dont mind like Dwarves, Lizardman, Orcs and Norsca, which revolve around strong melee units and less tactics.
But if your favourite faction is the Skaven then you can try one of them with an easy starting position, clan pestilens is one of the hardest positions.

You also need to practice a bit the game mechanics, but once you can get some battles done well you can do that.

I'm not playing as Skaven. It just always seems to be Skaven that's always attacking me all the time. Like ALL THE TIME. This game has a ridiculous amount of Skaven.

I'm playing as Lizardmen.
but like i said, the upkeep is just stupid expensive.
I end up with only one team(4 Sauron Sword n shield, 2 Saurons spear n shields, 2 Camilions, 2 RC Skinks, 1 blessed Crocs, 1 Stegadon, 2 Salamanders) that can actually defend my cities competently. And a team that consist of only 6 Saurons
And thats all my upkeep can handle.,

You should build many more money structures and many less military. keep it to saurus and skinks and if needed build defenses. You just rushed too many things at once probably.
Also see top of your screen theres a flag. If you move the cursor there itll tell you that if you have more than one lord you pay a certain percentage(based on difficulty) to all troops. Which in my opinion is bs mechanic that causes only damage to the game..

最後修改者:tomm.sorio; 2021 年 1 月 15 日 下午 5:27

Also keep your armies not to expensive meaning try not to spend too much so you can always get more money.

引用自 midyin

引用自 tomm.sorio

You should inform yourself on your units, structures, heroes and technologies whenever you start a campaign so that you know what your doing.
I know its a lot to read but you can start from what seems to pick your intrest and in time get to know all you need to know.
You could try easier factions if you dont mind like Dwarves, Lizardman, Orcs and Norsca, which revolve around strong melee units and less tactics.
But if your favourite faction is the Skaven then you can try one of them with an easy starting position, clan pestilens is one of the hardest positions.

You also need to practice a bit the game mechanics, but once you can get some battles done well you can do that.

I'm not playing as Skaven. It just always seems to be Skaven that's always attacking me all the time. Like ALL THE TIME. This game has a ridiculous amount of Skaven.

I'm playing as Lizardmen.
but like i said, the upkeep is just stupid expensive.
I end up with only one team(4 Sauron Sword n shield, 2 Saurons spear n shields, 2 Camilions, 2 RC Skinks, 1 blessed Crocs, 1 Stegadon, 2 Salamanders) that can actually defend my cities competently. And a team that consist of only 6 Saurons
And thats all my upkeep can handle.,

What difficulty are you playing at?? If you have 5 settlements you should be able to afford more than this.


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